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Strategic recruitment and succession plans

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It’s all too easy to get caught up in routine when running a dealership or department, and succession planning can often slip under the radar. Of course, nobody ever wants or expects their good employees to leave. Because of this, it’s quite common for managers and owners to avoid addressing the topic of succession planning.
Having a succession plan in place can ensure that you have continuity in your business if the unexpected were to ever occur with key staff. 
If you were to undertake an analysis of your dealership and staff right now, consider how you would answer the following questions:
  • If a key person was to leave, what would be your next step?
  • What projects are managed by the person in that position?
  • Is there any special knowledge that only one person is privy to?
  • Is someone trained to step up or across into that position (even for an interim)?
  • Do you have someone who is prepared/willing step up?
  • If you do have someone, what would you do for their position?
  • How many moves ahead are you thinking?
  • Are you prepared for unexpected resignations?
  • What happens to business continuity?
  • Who handles training in your dealership?
strategicrecruitmentandsuccession | Teamrecruit
If you’re running a dealership, it’s one thing to recognise the impact of a key person leaving, but you may like to consider a step back from that, is that person willing to share that knowledge to train other staff? Do they want to be seen as the only person who knows how to do their role? Are they prepared to hand over what they know and do? Those trade secrets can often be locked up tight in a secure vault and sometimes, the secrets can leave with that person.
Succession planning isn’t always about preparing for loss of staff. Having a plan in place also works in conjunction with staff promotions. It is an opportunity to look at your staff structure and dynamics, and future-proof your team. 
So, if you’re reading this and starting to think about the future of your Financial Controller, General Manager, Fixed Operations Manager or General Sales Manager, perhaps it’s time to look at your succession plans. If you’ve got some in place, that’s great. If not, it can be beneficial to business continuity to get this sorted sooner rather than later.
Teamrecruit is Australia’s most established recruitment agency specialising in truck, earthmoving and agricultural machinery dealerships in Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and Southeast Asia. Find out more about Teamrecruit and how we support employers and candidates in the dealership industry.

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